Pricing for everyone
AURUM Navigation provides three different pricing models. Select the one that suits best with your business needs. It’s up to you.
AURUM Navigation provides three different pricing models. Select the one that suits best with your business needs. It’s up to you.
If you decide for subscription by user the following price table is valid.
(10,- € per user)
(option for premium support with additional charges)
(3,50 € per user)
(option for premium support with additional charges)
(1,20 € per user)
(option for premium support with additional charges)
If you decide for subscription by site collection the following price table is valid.
2 SC’s included / per year
(1.000 € per SC per year)
(option for premium support with additional charges)
25 SC’s included / per year
(140 € per SC per year)
(option for premium support with additional charges)
100 SC’s included / per year
(60 € per SC per year)
(option for premium support with additional charges)
If you decide to buy AURUM Navigation the following price is valid. The product price for purchasing is equal to 4x subscription price, related to your choosen subscription plan (user based or site collection based)
(multiply your choosen plan above per user or SC by 4 to get the final price
e.g. 2.000 € for 200 user x 4 = 8.000 € one time payment)
including 4 years
(option for premium support with additional charges)